American Imperialism, America's ever expanding influence over the globe, has been a point of pride for Western thinkers. America is idealized by her constituents; to them, it has primacy in goodness, justice, and righteousness. To this end, America is seen as a country of virtue, and her enemies are seen as archetypes of evil. Most Westerners, however, agree that America is guilty of many grave injustices and crimes - to them, however, this is only because America has compromised on the principles it was founded on. Thus to them, America is good in nature, but she has been corrupted by politicians.

It is important to note that this sentiment is shared by both political parties; right-wing populists as well as left-wing progressives both agree that America has done evil things, but if it returns to its principles then it will return to righteousness.

To the Conservative, if America returns to her Judeo-Christian ideals coupled with the Libertarian ideas of the Enlightenment, then the United States will return to a safe-haven of individualism, freedom, and religious morality.

To the Progressive, America must return to the principles of serving the minority. If she allows all methods of expression, and uplifts the minority, then America will be a place of radical servitude.

Both camps are under the illusion that they are principled, and in opposition. However, neither stands on any foundational principle, nor are they dissimilar. Both follow trends, and both are pushed left by the Overton Window. While the Conservative calls for stricter immigration law, the Progressive calls for stricter gun control. Both pretend to care about freedom, yet both compromise on it.

I digress, however, from this laborious point. The point of this essay is not to dissect the mind of the American layman, but to refute the claim that America can ever be "Good."